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077 915 8973 | 076 128 8973

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Tube Wells in Colombo

We provide all the required services for your tube wells in Colombo. We drill drinking water tube wells, agriculture and irrigation tube wells, industrial and mas water supply, factory and any other requirements. Nalalin Piliyandala

Services we provide.

  • Initial site inspection
  • Drilling the tube well around Colombo
  • Constructing the tube well
  • Repair and maintenance

Locating the best for the future tube well is crucial since not every place is suitable for a tubewell in Colombo. once the location is identified, we drill the well using power rigs or hand operated drilling machines as per the requirement. Once we locate the water level, the well is constructed and all the required pumps and equipment are assembled. Nalalin Piliyandala

Contact Us

076 128 8973 | 077 915 8973

Contact us for all your tube wells and water needs

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